
Some questions on the construction of the antenna-feeder path of a single-channel radio base station

Options for building the HF path of the base station are described in the article Here we will briefly touch on the questions that arise when we…

About duplexers

A duplexer is a device used in radio and telecommunications systems to split and combine the transmitter and receiver frequencies onto a single antenna. How a duplexer works.…

Selection of antennas for VHF/UHF radio communication systems

When constructing the antenna-feeder path of a repeater or stationary radio station, the choice of antennas is determined by a number of main factors: – range/sub-range of working…

Construction of the high-frequency path of the base station of the radio communication system

Construction of the high-frequency path of the base station of the radio communication system How to build a base station for a professional radio communication system? In this…

Methodology for calculating the required spatial distance between the receiving and transmitting antennas

These are the cases when it is necessary to quickly change the receiving and transmitting frequencies in a wide range (≥1MHz). Also, change the difference between the Rx/Tx…

Transmission path monitoring device

Horwin MD-V1/V2/U-xx Monitoring of output power and SWR of transmission paths of radio systems. Allows you to monitor the parameters on the operating equipment directly in the rack…


RoIP remote control for point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, or point-to-point radios over an IP network. The dispatching system using PDU-104 can be expanded up to 6 consoles (or more on…